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Clik here to view.“Is dicing the workforce into pre-set categories going to encourage working together,” ponders author Liz Ryan. In a recentHarvard Business Reviewarticle, she describes a recent diversity conference with which she was involved where concurrent sessions were held focusing on women, Baby Boomers, the GLBTQ population, Asians, African-Americans, and the physically challenged. Ryan suggests, "We are not going to get better at confronting the differences that hamper our ability to work together by separating our people into broad-brush groups... Instead, we're going to get better at celebrating the family backgrounds, religious traditions, and ethnic heritage that our people bring with them to work. We can do that by talking about it — all the time — and by teaching people to talk about the 'sticky human stuff' in general." She advocates that barriers will be broken down when we actively engage in conversations about our differences.
DRI has demonstrated that it is on the path to becoming a thought leader on the issue of diversity within our profession. A core centerpiece of DRI’s diversity efforts is the Diversity for Success Seminar and Corporate Expo which will be held on May 30, 2013 in Chicago. Diversity not only involves how people perceive themselves, but how they perceive others. Those perceptions affect their interactions. The Diversity for Success Seminar provides a forum for attendees to have courageous, thought-provoking discussions about our differences and the role it plays in our firms, businesses and in the legal profession.