E-Discovery Can be Criminal
On December 18, 2013, Kurt Mix, a former BP engineer was convicted 18 U.S.C. 1512(c)(1); which prohibits individuals from “corruptly… alter[ing], destroy[ing], mutliat[ing] or conceal[ing] a record,...
View ArticleShe’s A First: Diane Humetewa Confirmed to the Federal Bench
The integration of the federal judiciary is a significant achievement for equality and the law. That is why the recent action by the Senate is worth recognition. The Senate voted 96-0 unanimously on...
View ArticleDRI Online Communities
On May 21, DRI rolled out the new committee online communities. The new communities will enhance DRI’s web presence and will allow committee members to connect with each other and share information...
View ArticleCalifornia Budget Cuts Create Obstacles to the Quick Resolution of Lawsuits...
The California budget cuts have led to the elimination of court-sponsored mediation programs in many counties in California. For example, effective March 11, 2013, the Los Angeles County Superior...
View ArticleContinued Importance of Diversity Programs and Initiatives
According to the February 25, 2014 Report from the National Association of Women Lawyers, its annual survey reveals little change in the compensation, leadership roles, rainmaking, and equity...
View ArticleThe Flip-Side of the Networking Coin: Service to Our Clients
I often thought about myself or my law firm when it came to attending networking events. After attending my fourth Young Lawyers Seminar last week in Denver, I realized that there is much more to...
View ArticleChatting with Decisionmakers Who Inspire--A Look Inside DRI's New Publication
Successful business development comes naturally to some. For those of us who aren’t so lucky, DRI has given us a great resource – the new e-book, “Women Rainmakers: Roadmap to Success.”I was fortunate...
View ArticleThe 2016 DRI Appellate Advocacy Seminar
I am writing to encourage folks to attend the upcoming 2016 DRI Appellate Advocacy Seminar at the Scottsdale Resort at McCormick Ranch in Scottsdale, Arizona.I have been involved with organizing the...
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